Sunday, February 22, 2009


21 Feb 2009
Aku naik LRT dari Stesen Kerinchi ke Dang Wangi...dan terus ke Wisma Sarma yang terletak di belakang bangunan Hotel Sheriton Kuala Lumpur. Tepat jam 12.00 tengah malam, 3 buah bas yang membawa 90 orang sukarelawan bergerak menuju ke Kuala Kedah.
Jam 7.00 pagi, kami sampai di Jeti Kuala Kedah dan menanti feri yang akan mula belayar jam 8.30pagi...kemudian kami dibawa ke Hotel Langkawi Seaview dari Jetty Point Langkawi.
Pada petangnya, aku, Kak Nurul, Lida, Kak Rafeah n Kak Azwa berjalan kaki ke pasar malam yang berhampiran.

meeting jam 8.00malam di HORNBILL 1 Hall

22 Feb 2009

Bangun awal pagi untuk breakfast. Hari ini sudah mula melakukan kerja di bahagian sekretariat.
Petang, aku pergi Idaman Suri...hahaha tolong belikan coklat sampai RM 200.00.Selain itu, aku ada belikan mangkuk yang "cute".Ahaks!
Meeting jam 9.30 malam dengan Race Manager Langkawi Ironman Triathlon 2009.

23 Feb 2009

Seperti biasa, awal pagi pergi breakfast. Hari ini kat swimming pool. Hari ini pun, aku meneruskan tugas dengan menaip n edit...rupanya orang kat sini tak berapa pandai nak guna word, nak edit photo..ahaaaa.

Jam 7pm da boleh naik ke bilik.Yeah!!!
See you tomorrow...

24 Feb 2009

25 Feb 2009
Aku jaga bahagian pendaftaran...huhu

26 Feb 2009
Hari ni pun jaga pendaftaran lagi...

malam pula..memasang tag untuk basikal peserta...

27 Feb 2009

semua peserta register basikal pulak...

jam 6.30 petang @ Jetty....Carbo Evening!!!

28 Feb 2009

Jam 4.30 pagi kami tiba di jeti menyusun beg peserta...

EVENT DATE : 28 February 2009

Lotto Ironman Malaysia takes place on Langkawi, a popular island resort destination in Malaysia. It's tough not because of the course, which consists of a very warm swim, a rolling bike and a relatively flat run course. It's tough because it can get really hot, especially during the run. How hot? In 2001 temperatures that reached 43 degrees Celsius (which is very close to 110 degrees Fahrenheit for anyone who thinks in those terms).
The day begins with a two-loop swim in Kuah Bay which starts and finishes alongside a giant eagle statue that dominates the Jetty Point port area.

Bike Course
The revised bike course consists of one large loop (55km) and 3 x small loops (37.5km) plus 9.5k to finish. We avoid the crowded section of Padang Matsirat Rd between Lubuk Semilang and Air Hangat Rds until the end of the bike course as the competitors come back to the finish.
The course is as follows with the distance being the cumulative distance:

From start to Air Hangat Road Traffic Lights 2.9km where cyclist will turn right, right up to Padang Lalang Roundabout is 19.9km where cyclist turn left onto Lubuk Semilang Road which takes 27.75km. Then from Lubuk Semilang to traffic lights onto Ulu Melaka and to Padang Matsirat is 33.25km and at the traffic lights cyclist will turn left onto Bohor Tempoyak Road going behind the airport road. From the traffic lights to Laman Padi cyclist turns left hitting the 42.05km distances. From Laman Padi right up to the traffic lights at Bukit Malut and Padang Matsirat is 55km distances. At the Thai Restaurant traffic light cyclist will turn left back onto Lubuk Semilang which is 58.5km

Thai Rest corner to Thai Rest corner is 96.03km distancesLap 2 is 133.56Lap 3 is 171.1kThai Rest to Finish Line 177.2k

Athletes should look out at the following critical locations for on coming traffics and be alert even though we have police personal managing traffics throughout the race day:

1. Exit from park at bike start

2. Rt turn to Seaview Hotel

3. Left turn at Seaview corner

4. Town exits onto Seaview Rd

5. Lights at Air Hanget Rd

6. Lights opposite Petrol Station , also managing traffic into Petrol Station on run.

7. Roundabout ( lap 1 only)

8. Padang Lalang Rd and Lubuk Semilang rds

9. Lights at end of Ulu Melaka rd

10. Airport roundabouts

11. Left turn after airport

12. Left turn at Lamin Padi

13. Rt turn onto Kedawang rd

14. Lights at end of Bukit Malut Rd

15. Lights at Hospital

16. Left turn at Lubuk Semilang lights ( straight through at these lights to finish)

17. All major intersections to Air Hangat lights for finishing riders


The following course from the starting right up to Langkawi Seaview is 1km, athlete will be making a right turn onto Air Hangat Road and making a U-Turn in front of Idaman Suri Shopping Complex at distance 5km back to Langkawi Seaview at distance 9km athletes makes a U-Turn to make 5 loops at 41km athletes ahead back to the finish line to hit 42km to finish the race.

Refer to the Lap's:

Lap1 = 9km

Lap2 = 17km

Lap3 = 25km

Lap4 = 33km

Lap5 = 41km


huhu...bermula jam 11 pagi sampai la kul 5.00 lebih aku bertugas di bawah sinaran matahari yang begitu terik...

Hahaha...aku bersamaBelinda Granger...champion tahun ni bagi kategori Pro
Finishing line...

wajah champion menghampiri garisan penamat!!! Go Belinda!!!Petang itu aku berjalan kaki dari jeti ke Seaview Hotel seorang diri...tetiba terserempak ngan peserta dari jalan kaki ngan dia lah.

Malam tu aku terus balik sebab esok ada Senamrobik untuk Gaza di UM, so aku punya komitmen lain lagi...redah naik flight delay kul 12 tengah malam...tension aku!!!
Lepak kat Starbucks sensorang jer...huahuahua

bye bye.